
Steve Premo

Pronouns: He/Him
Tribal Affiliation: Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe


Steven Premo is a proud enrolled Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe member who is nationally known for his paintings, murals, illustrations, and graphic design. Steve’s concepts are prominently featured in educational materials utilized throughout public elementary, secondary schools, and private institutions. More than 500 of his illustrations and graphics have been published by the Minnesota Historical Society Press, Minneapolis Public Schools, Hazelden Treatment Center, Grand Casino Inc., and the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. He has designed logos for individuals, professional organizations and special events. His formal art training includes time at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, and the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe (attended with recommendation by then Governor of Minnesota.) Steve has also provided art direction and instruction for the Minnesota State Department of Education, the Minneapolis Public Schools, Heart of the Earth Survival School, LCO Tribal School, and various art organizations. Steve’s passion for art and for his people are reflected in all that he creates.