Native Authors Program: Call for Writers

Submission Deadline 07/28/2024

The Native American Community Development Institute (NACDI) and All My Relations Arts are pleased to announce the open call for writers for our next authors cohort. Deadline to apply is Sunday, July 28th. Learn more and apply HERE.

About the program:
All My Relations Arts’ Native Authors Program will support all aspects of development of Native authors in genres of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, children’s fiction, and young adult fiction. Through a cohort model, Native authors will benefit from the mentorship and facilitation by an established Native American author. The program facilitator will curate and develop the 18 month intensive focusing on professional development topics including preparing a manuscript, working with an editor, approaching a publisher, the business of writing, and more. AMRA’s Authors Program will create a much needed brave space for Native authors to learn and flourish.

Authors will meet monthly as a group with the program facilitator for peer reviews and dialogue that establishes a disciplined, dedicated commitment to their writing. Mentor authors and guest speakers will be invited to share expertise and experience with the cohort members.

  • Applicants cannot be enrolled in a degree-seeking program for the duration of the program.
    Monthly group meeting attendance is mandatory; Three or more unexcused absences will put participants at risk of being removed from the program. Authors must be available for group monthly meetings every 3rd Wednesday from 6-8pm.

  • Class attendance is required during visitor/guest speaker sessions.

  • Applicants are encouraged to grow within a fellowship and facilitate community, with emphasis on class participation and mentorship aspects

  • Authors will be presented in public readings at AMRA gallery or other venues.

  • Authors will contribute a submission to an anthology collection of the group’s work at the conclusion of the cohort.

  • Authors must be Minnesota-based


  • Participants will receive meeting monthly meeting stipends of $150

  • Participants will receive professional headshots

  • Paid submission for inclusion in anthology series

  • Mentorship and coaching from a seasoned, published professional author

The program will run from September 2024 – March 2026.

Please include 3 writing samples up to 10 pages; preferred .docx, PDF or online link.

Deadline to apply is Sunday, July 28th at 12:59am. Applicants will be notified in the month of August.

Email [email protected] for questions regarding eligibility or application process.